NOW AVAILABLE Highlights: • 1956 Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Coupé in delivery color black, combined with cream leather interior and rare Rudge center-lock rims • first delivered on July 3, 1956 via Mercedes-Benz Distribution New York, USA • special equipment ex works: a windshield washer system, special upholstery, instruments with English lettering, sealed-beam headlights with separate parking lights, bumper horns, windshield wheels with chrome-plated dish and highly polished rims as well as protractor & balancing weights supplied loose - all packed in a lightweight seaworthy box • from the former previous ownership of coupé Group member Marty Wiener, USA and the well-known Rosso Bianco Museum, Aschaffenburg, Germany • documented engine overhaul in 2007 and only 6,000 miles ago • including matching two-piece luggage set and comprehensive HK-ENGINEERING delivery service before handover • matching numbers